28 de agosto de 2010
26 de agosto de 2010
Numa feira de implementos, dois fazendeiros conversam, um dos EUA e um brasileiro:
- Qual é o tamanho da sua fazenda? - pergunta o norte-americano.
- Para os padrões brasileiros, a minha fazenda tem um tamanho razoável, vinte alqueires, e a sua?
- Olha, eu saio de casa de manhã, ligo o meu jipe e ao meio dia ainda não percorri a metade da minha propriedade.
- Pois é - responde o brasileiro - já tive um carro desses. É uma merda!
Resumindo, estadunidense é exibido e brasileiro é esperto. =D
23 de agosto de 2010
Note to english speakers
21 de agosto de 2010
Para acabar o dia bem
The curse of a name
Rio aan de Rijn, therefore, is a tribute to Rio de Janeiro. So, guess? = D
It is a carnival parade. In the Dutch way, of course, but I can’t say much, since I didn’t attend it. Neither Rio’s, or the Rhine’s.
But what strikes me is that, exactly at Rio aan de Rijn, happened a tribute to the hot spot of Brazilian stupidity.
A crazy dude shot three people, killing them during the festivities ...
Hell, even in the Netherlands, you put "Rio de Janeiro" in the conversation, and there comes shooting and dancing in the package ... sounds like a joke, but it’s true.
I'm sorry, locals from Rio, but I'm from São Paulo and, therefore, you hate me on a basic principle, so I kinda don’t give a shit to Rio, but Rio is INDEED a piece of crap. 2% of the population is alright (which are the locals who will read this and will not be offended because they know the shit they live in, read something similar here) but the other 98% are divided by 49% funkers , low lives, bandits and the sort and 49% of rich little bastards who live in "noble" areas of Rio, who appear out of focus in the photos of "celebrities" taken by paparazzi.
Rio is only a - yet - more conformist Brazil. I saw a program about an Englishman who travels the world visiting the various cuisines, and, in one episode, he went to Rio and found a 20-something year-old local "guide" to show him life in Rio.
It honestly made me sick. Accents aside, what stung me was the way it showed how the guy - proudly, it should be noted - talks about Rio’s style.
Speaking in English, but still sounding remarkably local, about how the foreigner should take his shirt off, relax on the beach, wake up late, get drunk ... and only didn’t talk about smoking up a weed because he was on TV ... ah, but for sure ...
I see then the next episode, he goes to São Paulo and I hear in the words of the show host himself, "a city that never sleeps, people who work. Here there’s no Copacabana or Ipanema. People take life seriously, but they know how to have fun. São Paulo is just as if Los Angeles threw up on New York. " This explains why SP’s nightlife is great. People have to work during the day.
So, you know, brothers from Rio... sorry =D Rio’s (in)fame chases it on the four corners of the world.
To be fair, is pretty fucking fantastic looking.
But if seen from afar, right? Up close you can’t see much before taking a shot in the head or getting busted by the police.
Now the Rio aan de Rijn, huh? This is voodoo!
Blame it on the president!
The governors!
The mayor!
It’s morphing time!
A maldição de um nome
(POR & ENG) Maldita inclusão digital - Damn e-Inclusion
Portu... who?
Damn, two months here and already tearing my brains out when I need to remember a word in Portuguese.
Last time I was here for 3 months, I started having problems with this by the end of the trip, but I didn't speak Dutch then. Now I use English and Dutch all day, two languages occupying my brain.
Last time, in the first few days when I returned to Brazil, if someone spoke to me without me expecting it, I started to answer in English and only noticed it when the person gave me a dirty look.
Now I don't wanna know how it'll be. I'm starting to mix up even in English. Sometimes it happens like:
- Bruno, where's the cellphone?
- It's on top van de table.
Van de = of the
And the cool thing is that they don't realize that I do that, because they also do it all the time.
On MSN with the Brazilians now I find myself writing things like "eztar" (estar = to be), "cinto" (sinto = feel), "fasso" (faço = I make) and so on. At least I see it before sending and I correct it.
Imagine yourself having trouble remembering how to say things (in Portuguese, my own language) like:
No joke. The words fade from my mind.
These days I tried to remember some things and so far I haven't succeeded yet:
- That metal thing that you put against the wall tiles and hit with the hammer to break it (the word tile, or azulejo in Portuguese, took me some time to remember now =D).
- I forgot the meaning of the word picareta. It can br both "smartass" or it can mean something else too, that I forgot. I thought it may be the object that you hit with the hammer, but not sure.
- What's adstringência again?
- What's the difference between solo and sola?
That feels hopeless. =D
Somebody save me.
Portu... quem?
How to drive a Dutch person mad - 02
- Tell him that the V in Dutch sounds like an F. Insist. Moderately.
- Say that learning Dutch gives you a sore throat. (This is actually true. Open a cough drops store by the exit of Dutch language schools and you earn some money.)
- Argue with him that America does NOT mean the United States.
- When he starts to joke (yes, sometimes they joke) that Brazil is a large forest with snakes and chickens passing by on the sidewalks, tell an absurd story, like:
"Yeah, so when someone has a terminal illness in Brazil, we do a ritual for the Gods, we take out the person's skin, put it in a pan and cook it and then eat it."
He won't know if you're joking or not, although he himself joked in the first place. You gotta warn him.
Maneiras de se enlouquecer um holandês - 02
- Fale pra ele que o V em holandês soa como um F. Insista. Moderadamente.
- Fale que aprender holandês te dá dor de garganta. (Isso é realmente verdade. Abra uma barraquinha de Halls na saída de escolas de holandês e você ganha uma grana.)
- Discuta com ele que América não significa Estados Unidos.
- Quando ele começar a brincar (sim, as vezes eles brincam) que o Brasil é uma grande floresta, com cobras passando pela rua e galinhas pelas calçadas, conte uma história absurda, tipo:
"É, então, quando alguém tem uma doença terminal no Brasil, a gente faz um ritual pros Deuses, arranca a pele da pessoa e cozinha numa panela grandona e come."
Ele não vai saber se você está zoando ou não, apesar dele próprio ter começado a brincadeira. Você precisa informá-lo.
20 de agosto de 2010
How to drive a Dutch person mad - 01
Eg: "Sunflowers are yellow."
- Ask the Dutch guy a question about what you thought.
"Hey, what's the color of sunflowers?"
- He will answer your question promptly and efficiently.
"Sunflowers are yellow!"
- Now the fun begins: disagree.
"You sure?" I think they're blue. "
- He'll correct you.
"They're are yellow."
- Insist.
"I'm sure they are blue."
"They're yellow!"
- He will start to get desperate that you're not actually believing the purest truth in the world. But his education simply doesn't allow him to get mad at you for refusing to agree with him. He'll find a way to go around the irritation and try to give you reason, even if superficially, but he won't give up the idea that his answer is right and yours is wrong.
Oh, he will never realize you're only making fun of him: that's not humanly possible here.
"Well maybe in Brazil sunflowers are blue, I wouldn't know, but here they are yellow."
"But they're blue! Brazil is on the same planet as the Netherlands!"
"But in the Netherlands they are yellow!"
"But ..."
"Naaah, they're blue."
At this point you're already laughing, but still he won't realize you're kidding. Ever.
But now you take the final blow and you drive him completely mad (which doesn't mean he will show you that he is mad. That'd be "wrooooong!").
Sit by the nearest computer and tell him that you'll Google it to show him that you're right.
"I'll look on Google. I'm sure they are blue."
"But ... I'm telling you that they are yellow ... maybe in Brazil ... they're blue ... there, maybe... you may be right ... but here ..."
He won't bear the idea that you doubt him enough to Google it.
- You can repeat the last steps at will. When you think you have tortured the poor guy enough, explain to him that you won't Google anything and you were just having a laugh.
Counter-effects: It's literally impossible to make him understand that you kidding.
"I was joking with you! Just picking on you, I know they're yellow!"
"But they ARE yellow!"
"Yes, I know!"
"But why did you say they are blue?"
"I was kidding!"
"I know you were kidding, but why would you say that?"
"I was joking!"
"But ..."
"I was joking, FOR GOD'S SAKE!"
Only do this if you are prepared to face all consequences.
Maneiras de se enlouquecer um holandês - 01
16 de agosto de 2010
Frases geniais de gênios
15 de agosto de 2010
Piada ou retrato do Brasil?
Um político e um executivo estão pescando no Caribe, quando o político diz:
- Estou aqui porque minha casa pegou fogo, e tudo foi destruído pelo fogo. A companhia de seguros pagou tudo, e com o que sobrou vim para cá.
- Que coincidência! - diz o executivo - Estou aqui porque minha casa e tudo o que estava dentro foi levado por uma enchente. O seguro cobriu tudo!
O político fica calado por alguns instantes.
Coça a cabeça, visivelmente incomodado.
Não resiste e pergunta:
- Conta só pra mim... Como você começou a enchente?
12 de agosto de 2010
Rapidinha antes de ir dormir
Ai ispíqui ínglixi! Véri gudji! Fânqui iú!
11 de agosto de 2010
6 de agosto de 2010
How to make a better and healthier society
Every day, acts that shock the most simple-minded, acts worthy of repudiation, are seen here.
It is your obligation to educate your children so they don't grow up and become that sort of scum of society.
And a very important step to making a better world is to identify who does that. Look around and scold those who commit unorthodox and regrettable acts. Below you see a list of clear signs that one is not fit for a just and healthy society.
1. He throws plastic bottles into the organic bin.
2. He gives the sign on the bus when nobody, not even himself, wants to step out
3. When he has a row with someone, he goes away without saying bye.
4. He uses, for 5 minutes, the Wi-fi of the neighbor who forgot to set up a password.
5. He belches at the table.
6. He once glued his bubble-gum under the school's desk.
7. He says "ass" and not "butt".
8. He eats candy in hiding before singing Happy Birthday.
9. When buying french fries, he gets 10 cents more than he should of change and he doesn't give it back.
10. He has already crossed the street without looking at both sides.
11. One day his mother told him to go take a shower, but he just turned on the shower and made his hair wet.
12. He once went to sleep without brushing his teeth.
13. He has used the bathroom and left the lid raised.
14. He took medication without reading the instructions.
15. He has sex, he doesn't make love.
16. He drinks water (from the bottle) and doesn't put it back in the refrigerator.
17. He rang the bell of somebody's house and ran away.
18. He once farted in the elevator.
19. In acts of total vandalism, after taking a nice shit, he doesn't cut the toilet paper on the perforations.