21 de agosto de 2010

How to drive a Dutch person mad - 02

- Tell him that the W in Dutch sounds like a V. Insist. A lot.

- Tell him that the V in Dutch sounds like an F. Insist. Moderately.

- Say that learning Dutch gives you a sore throat. (This is actually true. Open a cough drops store by the exit of Dutch language schools and you earn some money.)

- Argue with him that America does NOT mean the United States.

- When he starts to joke (yes, sometimes they joke) that Brazil is a large forest with snakes and chickens passing by on the sidewalks, tell an absurd story, like:

"Yeah, so when someone has a terminal illness in Brazil, we do a ritual for the Gods, we take out the person's skin, put it in a pan and cook it and then eat it."

He won't know if you're joking or not, although he himself joked in the first place. You gotta warn him.

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